Saturday, September 20, 2014

Lexii's Maternity

Doing Lexii's Maternity pictures was such a blessing, and oh so much fun! I'm so glad I got the opportunity to bless this girl with maternity pictures, and I cannot wait to bless her with newborn photos when precious Marlee Mae comes. Lexii is so stunning and was SO MUCH FUN to work with! :) 


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Eli is ONE!

My baby brother is ONE!! I cannot believe he's gotten so big. I remember the day he was born, waking up at 5am because mom's water had broken, and rushing off to the hospital... after hours of waiting Eli Noble was born. He's been such an amazing blessing to our family so far, I cant wait to see how God uses him to bless us in the future!! <3 Eli is ALL BOY. He LOVES dirt, outside, bugs, slugs, dogs, and anything messy. ;) So of course, his one year pictures were taken outside, in his favorite place, with his favorite thing... Dirt.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mackenzie & Matt

Just a few weeks ago I was asked to take my first 'couples' session. I had a really great time with Mackenzie and Matt taking their pictures before their Military Ball! Mackenzie and Matt are both a part of the JROTC program and are hoping to join ROTC in the future! Isn't that exciting?! :D

Monday, May 5, 2014

Ezra ~ Newborn / Arnold Family

 Just 9 days after this precious angel was born I was privileged to use him as my guinea pig for my very first newborn session. Now I understand why people hire photographers for newborn pictures! After much squirming, crying, and kicking his blankets everywhere, I finally was able to get some pictures of this little man. Welcome to our world Ezra. :)

Snow White

After being snowed in for 3 days I decided to show that snow who's boss and had an impromptu session in the snow with my 10 year old sister. Everyone says she looks just like Snow White, or like she stepped out of Narnia. I hope to enter some of these into a photo competition soon. I thought taking pictures in the snow would be really difficult, but it actually wasn't, and it proved to be a ton of fun! Aside from the fact that it was 27 degrees outside... 